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Visa Overview
New Zealand's work visa rules have changed
Consolidating several existing visas, and streamlining the application process
One visa to rule them all...
The biggest change and the one likely to affect migrant workers the most, is the introduction of a new Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV).
Launched on 4th July 2022, the AEWV is a new, single visa that replaces six other temporary and work visas. You can apply for it if you have a job offer from an accredited employer, have the skills and qualifications for the job, and meet other relevant immigration criteria.
What does this mean for me?
The accredited employer work visa means you...
Accredited Employer
Can only work for an Accredited employer
Can work in New Zealand for an accredited employer who has offered you at least 30 hours work a week. Note: you will be tied to the employer for the length of your visa, and if the situation changes you will need to vary the conditions of your visa or reapply for a new one.
Are able to study while working
You will be able to study for up to 3 months in any 12 month period, or do any study required as part of your employment.
A Valid Visa
Can work up to 3 years
You will have a visa valid for up to 3 years if you are paid at or above the New Zealand median wage, or up to two years if you are paid below the median wage
Can support your family
You can support your dependent child's visitor or student visa if you earn at least NZ 43,322.76 per year.
How does the AEWV work?
There are 3 stages, led by employers offering the job, that must be undertaken.
An employer wanting to hire someone from overseas must become accredited with Immigration New Zealand. This is for your protection and ensures the employer is meeting current employment standards, and has good workplace practices involving health & safety.
2Job Check
The employer must advertise the role in New Zealand first, and if the role cannot be filled from the local labour market, it can then be opened to qualified migrants who meet the criteria.
3Filing for Application
If the first two steps above are completed successfully, the final step is the filing of the work visa application.
What else do I need to know?
Work visa's are complex and you generally need advice on how to apply, if your eligible and what the conditions of your visa are
Visa Conditions
Your family may not be included in your application, but they may be able to apply separately based on their relationship to you (spouse and dependents).
This visa will not allow you to be self-employed, nor does it lead to residence (although it may be used as a stepping stone towards an application and can in some cases fast-track to residence or work to residence in 2 years, depending on your pay and your role).
We have partnered with local immigration law experts NZIL who can help you navigate through the process.
How can I increase my chances for approval?
We recommend seeking professional advice before you submit your application. It’s a long, complex, - and often expensive - process, and you don’t want to be doing it twice! Contact our team of experts at NZ Jobs Search for help.
About Us
Note: We do not provide immigration advice, all of the information we share is publicly available on the Immigration New Zealand website.